Any Board Members living in France?
Thank you both for replying, I don't feel quite so alone now. Yes I am loving it here in France. It's great that music, art and culture are respected so much. Hey lilion it must have been great seeing Paul in the 70's. What memories you must have. I have seen him a number of times, beginning in the 80's but to have seen his Wings appearances........WOW! As much as I love his Chaos and Creation CD 10/10 the Wings contribution hold a special place in my heart
Thank you both for replying, I don't feel quite so alone now. Yes I am loving it here in France. It's great that music, art and culture are respected so much. Hey lilion it must have been great seeing Paul in the 70's. What memories you must have. I have seen him a number of times, beginning in the 80's but to have seen his Wings appearances........WOW! As much as I love his Chaos and Creation CD 10/10 the Wings contribution hold a special place in my heart
yeah it was a real traumatism for me in 72 at the Olympia in paris but it s difficult for me to say in english i m sorry !!!! venice was fantasic at the plazza st marco but munich was the best ever concert musically speaking it was the day after venice i was on my knees , at munich i was in the dressing room of paul and linda before the gig!!!!!!!!!!!
You were in Paul & Linda's dressing room?? With them??? How long were you in there?? Don't worry liliom your English is much better than my French although I am having intensive French lessons from my husband who is fluent French )
HELLO JANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guess what? On the phone you mentioned I havent sent you any pics from AROTR, and I checked and I havent sent you LOADS of good pics! So I have over 50 ready for shipping along with your Christmas gift ( and a little gift for Maisie)!!!!!!!! You'll be sorry you mentioned it--I guess I didnt realize it or was waiting for your new addresses or just my usual forgetfullness and lateness or my recent MAJOR MACCA ATTACKS AFTER GETTING THAT GREAT BIG WINK FROM HIM!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Ceil What with AROTR and PAUL'S CONCERT PICS (that's when he winked at you, just in case you had forgotten for one second roll )I will need a few more photo albums!! Jane
hello there, I'm in France too.
Hi there Zongadude What part of France??? I need to hear live Beatle/Macca music or else I will get withdrawal symptoms (
You were in Paul & Linda's dressing room?? With them??? How long were you in there?? Don't worry liliom your English is much better than my French although I am having intensive French lessons from my husband who is fluent French
yes the security crew must be very bad cause we wer enter in the dressing room three buds and me waiting and hiding in the toilets!!!!but we re thinking that was too much if a guard discover us and maybe we can't see the show so we going out quickly and just see paul and linda arriving and say hello! great souvenir!!!!!!
Hi there Zongadude What part of France??? I need to hear live Beatle/Macca music or else I will get withdrawal symptoms
Hi, I'm in the North East, in a region called Lorraine. I live very near three foreign borders: Germany, Luxemburg, and Belgium.
me too i live near the belgium because i come from "ardennes" the french knew my place, i've never seen paul in a show but maybe one day,i hope!
Lilion, So, did you meet Paul and Linda??? I'm dying to know!!! WOW, just like Jane said--to be able to see Paul during that era would have been HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!! I've seen him 11 times in concert, but unfortunatley none during the Wings era--I MUST HAVE BEEN MENTALLY ILL!!!!!!!!!!! Ceil