Early Days and my daughter
I had an amazing experience last week. My 18 year-old daughter asked me to sit and listen to a song she loved. It was Early Days. Halfway through it, to my astonishment, she burst into tears. "It's about John," she explained, (as if I didn't know). I've always known that millions of us grieved the loss of that friendship, but it never occurred to me that new people might grieve it, people born years and years after the fact - to whom it must seem almost a myth. On a lighter note, I saw a bumper sticker yesterday that read, "I'm still mad at Yoko." (Thanks very much, Paul, for that moment with my daughter)
Skye, that is incredible! I wish my 27 year old daughter was that much into anything Paul or Beatles related! Thankfully her twin brother is and we share many neat moments. I saw someone with a shirt that said "I'm still pissed at Yoko!"
Christ, I thought you said "18 month old daughter" and I would have cried myself! It's a good thing I re-read it.
Very interesting. I never thought about whether or not "new" fans who weren't alive when John was alive would still grieve, but it makes sense. My daughter, who is 7, is a big Paul/Beatles fan already. She's too young to understand that John was ripped away from the world by a madman, but she understands there's a lot of sadness over his passing. She likes Here Today but told me she doesn't like to listen to it because she knows it's Paul being sad about John.
Many of the groups I'm in for the Beatles have young fans who got into it through their parents. Sometimes the groups seem to get overrun by 13 year old girls at times, but they are out there. They came up with that stupid word McLennon in describing Paul and John. I'm an out of the closet J/Per but I hate doing stupid stuff like that with people's names. I guess I've grown up a bit there.