'Early Days'
We know that Paul shot a video for this song not long ago, but now that he has this "Save Us" video competition going, I'm starting to wonder if the "Early Days" video is going to end up being used in concert, maybe just in the background on the screen while he performs the song, IF he plays the song. Just a thought. What do people think?
I think speculation is a waste of time. We'll know when they release something and/or Paul's next run of concerts starts (very soon now).
It was rehearsed, so it may either be a soundcheck performance or part of the show.
Bruce M.:
We know that Paul shot a video for this song not long ago, but now that he has this "Save Us" video competition going, I'm starting to wonder if the "Early Days" video is going to end up being used in concert, maybe just in the background on the screen while he performs the song, IF he plays the song. Just a thought. What do people think?
I think speculation is a waste of time. We'll know when they release something and/or Paul's next run of concerts starts (very soon now).
I thought this forum was all about speculation! (Here we go disagreeing again.) I just find it unlikely that he's planning TWO more videos for mass consumption on YouTube at this point.
I love "Early Days", too. I love the lyrics (mostly) and I think the vocal is very effective for this song at this point in Paul's life. But, I must admit that I find the line "when they were not where it was at" incredibly awkward! Other than that one little line, a great song.
Well, yeah, grammatically speaking it's a terrible line! But what it conveys is quite powerful.
oh yes indeed. that would be hard for Paul as he is very eloquent in his print and in his voice. well he could have said: hehe! "When they were not where we was at "? too? most of Paul's friends would say, awe! it's ok, forget about it! it's cool!
I love "Early Days", too. I love the lyrics (mostly) and I think the vocal is very effective for this song at this point in Paul's life. But, I must admit that I find the line "when they were not where it was at" incredibly awkward! Other than that one little line, a great song.
Well, yeah, grammatically speaking it's a terrible line! But what it conveys is quite powerful.
oh yes indeed. that would be hard for Paul as he is very eloquent in his print and in his voice. well he could have said: hehe! "When they were not where we was at "? too? most of Paul's friends would say, awe! it's ok, forget about it! it's cool!
I'm sure he did this on purpose, knowing it's technically incorrect, but he's making a reference to the sixties phrase "where it's at," meaning "hip" or "cool"... while at the same time saying that some people who claim they know what happened in his life simply weren't actually there. So, a double meaning: these so-called experts either weren't physically there at the time, or if they were, they weren't cool or hip (i.e., older generations who said the Beatles would never last), so their opinions aren't valuable, because Paul has proven them wrong by enduring, and so has the Beatles' music.
Video/publicity-stills from the "Early Days" music-vid are surfacing from MPL: https://scontent-a-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/t1.0-9/10322753_10152245705434457_5400365103155489037_n.jpg https://scontent-a-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/t1.0-9/10298844_10152245705124457_2281857898316344478_n.jpg
Where the heck are they?
The cast of O' Brother Where Art Thou?
...but seriously... Someone named Benoît Dumetz shared these online.
Video/publicity-stills from the "Early Days" music-vid are surfacing from MPL: https://scontent-a-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/t1.0-9/10322753_10152245705434457_5400365103155489037_n.jpg https://scontent-a-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/t1.0-9/10298844_10152245705124457_2281857898316344478_n.jpg
Audi, In the group photo (2nd picture above) is that Johnny Depp in the top row. Looks like him.
I'd speculated that, as well.
Yeah, that's Johnny Depp.
Those stills look like they swapped out Eric Clapton & dropped in Paul. Not that they aren't real but Clapton has always sung the blues.