5 things you've done today
actually this was yesterday Woke up cleaned up the house made some calls and sent some emails ran some errand.. drove to Seattle and stopped to shop at Nordstrom. Spent way to much money at Nordstrom. Arrived at my daughter house got ready for the evening event with her and three of her girlfriends. Looked though her fridge for something to eat, ate some cold spaghetti leftovers. Put my new pink dress on and my new shinny pink and sliver sandals which was way over the top for me and which I much of been blinded by all the excitement We had a girls night out to go see Simon Cowell and Paula Abdual for the TV show" Tthe X factor". We were in the TV show audiences. Left for show at Key arena than had to wait in a very long line which went very fast. Watched the audition for this new TV show the X faxtor which is a spin off of American Idiol. Lots of funl for all of us, a great night out with my daughter and her fun girlfriends..We all looked hot!! Walked back to my car behind a guy dressed in 6 " sliver heals and skin tight silver spandex pants,wearing a dog collar. Very nice looking older gentleman with grey hair. Very color coordinated. Felt much better about my choice of shoes. Drove home listening to my I pod. Ok more than 5 things.
woke up and got ready for the day watered flowers started laundry vacuumed read the newspaper. I deserved a break after that!
-Downloaded a load of songs onto my spotify offline and was surprised I didn't reach my limit -Had all my hair shaved off -Got a book about the stone roses outta the library -Ate too much fried food for tea =Joined a Stone Roses fan site
woke up had coffee let dog out looked over garden (been gone on vacation for a week) walked down to mail box in a summer rain.
It's only the morning so... -yawned and stretched -snuggled with my boyfriend -played with our crazy kitten -gave a cuddle to our lovely dog -made a cup of tea and a cup of coffee. That's about all.
Wow. I thought I was the only person who sometimes will have tea AND coffee in the same morning.
1. commuted to work 2. worked 3. went downtown 4. listened to music 5. had a lovely dinner
1-Woke up in the middle of the night to find the dog stood by my bed. He was looking at me enquiringly as if he was checking to see if I was about to take him out for a walk. Needless to say I wasn't. I don't know why I woke up. Must have been some 6th sense that he was there 2-Went to get some money outta the P.O and had a slightly odd convwersation with the woman who runs it. She said if she won the Lottery she'd 'just sod off'. So I don't know what her husband and kids wud make of that!! 3-Watched the Murdoch trial and thought he was quite a character really h/e this didn't make me stop hating him for hijacking our democracy. 4-Cleaned the kitchen up & did the dishes for the fist time since my parents went away on Sunday. 5-Tried to take the dog for a walk and ended up coming back in a strop to the extent I told him when he went to sit by his food cupboard. 'fuck off you stubbon little bastard.
Went downtown for work, met some especially NICE people Rescued my 88 y.o. Neighbor - friend who was locked in a room in her house for an hour(geez, in 95 degree heat!) she is okay TYJ! Called my mom Called my pop Tucked 8y.o. In bed with prayers And serenade from me (driving rain songs that I will NEVER hear in concert!!!!!!) now I am remembering Yankees stadium concert 7/16/11,..DIVINE
- bought coffee at Dunkin Donuts 2) turned on my computer 3) lunched at PF Changs - lettuce wraps, mongolian beef 4) bought 5 shirts, 3 pairs of pants and 3 pairs of shorts from Macy's (could have just said went shopping) 5) had 4 beers with my Grandpa - all Bud Lights thats a damn good day if you ask me. lots of spending money though.. need to watch that
# 1 spent money on products...so i could have and support...other people's works # 2 worked for money...so that i could have more money...to have and support...other people's work # 3 D. all of thee above
1. Woke up and watched MLB Network 2. Played my guitar 3. Went to football practice for 3 hours : 4. Went to GuitarCenter and played a couple of different bass', tried out the ukulele and found out I'm not bad Then played a couple of acoustic guitars, a Gibson guitar (The same kind Jimmy M. played I think) then rounded out the night by playing a few tunes on the drums. 5. Now typing out my day Thats A day in the life of Timothy
Ate a Pop Tart (Oh my sweet Pop Tarts!) Mowed the lawn Got a haircut (not what I wanted at all ) Threw frisby eating pie
went to work at midnight came home got breakfast took a nap woke up and now posting
1. Took dogs out 1st thing this morning 2. Fed cats 3. Made coffee 4. Ran errands 5. Mailed a couple of cards
1. Watched DVR'd shows 2. Napped 3. Got called in to the O.R. for 4 hours 4. Ate 5. Perused the internet
well went to work this morning went to visit my mom went to visit 2 friends and cant finish the last one cause the day isnt over yet
1. Made and ate 3 meals 2. Did the dishes 3. gave treats for petey and buddy 4. Found the 3 day in a row no mail. 5. had some coffee love doris
woke up! let the dog out went out for breakfast went grocery shopping came home & am currently listening to Breakfast with the Beatles on wxrt.
1. Woke up 2. Fell out of bed 3. Dragged a comb across my head 4. Found my way to the bathroom 5. Went in to a dream that I'm seeing Paul McCartney tonight
1. Took dogs out 2. Went for papers & coffee 3. Fed cats weekly treat of wet cat food 4. Got our kid to clear yard oh huge tree brances 5. Tossed our kid's Hornets jacket in wash