Sir Paul McCartney gives an exclusive interview to World at One's Sarah Montague
Well thanks so much for sharing that interview. It was quite interesting on a number of topics.
It was interesting to hear about Linda's first macaroni roast. I'd like to add that Mary McCartney has a wonderful nutty Festive Roast with Red Wine Gravy in her cookbook At My Table. If you are looking for a meat free alternative, this cookbook is chock a block full of absolutely delicious recipies. It is broken up into categories such as Celebration Brunch, I Mexican Food, Be Prepared Dinner Party and Festive Feast along with other great categories. It's such a wonderful cookbook and especially, if you are new to the idea of cooking meatless, you can confidently prepare a delicious full table.
The idea of offsetting your carbon footprint, was another good point! There are are projects all over the world which you can donate time or money to plant trees, install solar panels, help promote solar and wind projects in your community.
Paul is such a great advocate and can't remember a time when he hasn't talked on all of the many issues around the world. It is very inspiring.
Paul McCartney created an album of carols only for his family
jimmix wrote:
Paul McCartney created an album of carols only for his family
Mentioned during the radio interview but not in the on-line article was that the carols were instrumental recordings.
Paul shares so much with all the world, it's so nice to hear that he has some privacy with his family. You can bet it's a great instrumental collection!
Paul McCartney Has A Sweet Reason For Never Releasing His Christmas Album