the Power of Krishna
Well, there IS a humorous aspect to a lot of religion. I can find humor in fact, viewed from a certain perspective (God's perspective?) it's pretty much all kind of funny but many persons hold religion so sacred and holy. It gives them courage and hope. I got where Monty Python was coming from with "Life of Brian." But ultimately in the big picture, much of spirituality can be taken quite seriously, I feel. (Or maybe I'm frightened I'll go to Hell, if I don't!) Now you've got me being flippant about it, but I tend to flip flop anyway
Now you've got me being flippant about it, but I tend to flip flop anyway
Truthfully, so do I. I seem to be in a prolonged 'valley' along my belief-level spectrum. not sure why. in some respects, I think I find 'believing' a bit boring. there's subconciously I think more excitement some how ingrained into the fabric of my subconscious life, if I'm conflicted with doubt about it, still searching etc. thats a deep thought I may have to go check my belief-level spectrometer again on the flipside I do sort of envy, or perhaps a better word would be admire, people who are truly happy and at peace with their existance, and find that through their religious belief system. even if the cynic might say they blind themselves with reigion, I do admire people who can be truly happy. sometimes thats a hard thing to find for ones self. in ones life.
There ARE verses in the Bible, amazingly enough, which actually approve of "New Age" type stuff. A woman preacher quoted them while leading me and two ladies in prayer at the ladies' over 100 year old home in South Carolina, which was "haunted" (I lived there a while and noticed all kinds of happenings). So it blew me away that the woman pastor prayed that, as if she knew. I didn't ask her where the verses were in the Bible and wish I had. I didn't tell her about the utterly amazing things I'd heard and seen in that old house at times. It was too sensitive to talk about, I felt at the time. Later on I did tell one of the ladies' daughters about it, and she didn't seem surprised at all.
That sounds interesting Susy. We should start a new thread about haunted houses in Talk More Talk. Please tell us more
The very highest teachings of Hinduism state there is one supreme God, they call God "Vishnu" but a rose by any other name would look and smell the same. I don't feel drawn to describing the strange phenomena I witnessed, Kapoo, since you make light of it all and sort of jeer, lacking reverence and respect.
Fair enough Susy, totally. Let me just say this, you know I like you personally.. or at least I hope you do. I hold no bad opinions about anyone who finds value in religion.. its just that I really don?t. for me its an easy target to find some humor in it. when I think about religion it often spurs a comedic thought, don?t know why. Perhaps its like Dan Aykroyds character in Spies Like Us said, ?We mock what we don?t understand.? Probably true in this case. Anyway my apologies if my goofing around is offending people, I?ll give it a rest. the wise men
I myself always say that any god should be able to stand up to being mocked. I've been saying it for years and look down upon certain religions that can't handle mocking in bad ways.
Kathryn O:
Kathryn O:
Kathryn O:
There's a quote directly saying it's okay to kill me. I've learned to defend myself quite well. (and if I am killed, I know how to haunt with both the spirit and astral body).
there is not such a thing in the bible
Yep, it's there. Like I said, it's in Deutoronomey. I can shut up most Evangelicals with that quote when they realized I am armed because of it (with all my permits). They also can't argue with me that it's there when they try to preach their peace and love lies.
you are wrong jesus never said burn the witches,i dont know what they teach the catholics but no jesus never said that
Deutoronomy is an old testement book before Jesus. Christians really get into the 'before jesus' times
so they are not true christians
say that to any hardcore Evangelica, Seventhday Adventist, Baptist and some of those others...
so I was just thinking, not sure I've fully ruled out reincarnation. to some degree I might believe in the notion of energy/spirit being transfered someplace somehow when the physical body dies. how sweet would re-incarnation be?! I'd love it, regardless of what I come back as. make me a blade of grass, I'll be cool. and greeen! or a dandilion or a reincarnated carnation does Krishna teach of reincarnation? does he teach you how to re-incarnate yourself? that'd be a fancy little trick that dare I say.. I would fancy
Once you're in human form, you can't come back as anything but a human. Seems I recall that, from the teachings. You don't "re-incarnate yourself." If reincarnation is true, in many cases--then it just happens naturally as set up originally by God. Not that God can't change anything and everything if so desired
Once you're in human form, you can't come back as anything but a human. Seems I recall that, from the teachings. You don't "re-incarnate yourself." If reincarnation is true, in many cases--then it just happens naturally as set up originally by God. Not that God can't change anything and everything if so desired
it does kind of make some sense though right Susy? about the transfer of energy and life-force. one can only come back as another human though? that makes less sense to me somehow. seems that there is life in so many species, and energy is energy. given the seemingly random nature of nature.. why would there be any kind of limitations on what any given life force energy can reincarnate to? obviously Im just thinking out loud here .. virtually.
actually, the one book I have on Krishna from one of those swamis, he believes that humans do reincarnate as animals. a glutton would come back as a goat or a pig for example.
Kathryn O:
actually, the one book I have on Krishna from one of those swamis, he believes that humans do reincarnate as animals. a glutton would come back as a goat or a pig for example.
somehow to me, that does make a bit more sense the tendancy towards gluttony (or any attribute; flight, speed, height, size.. various) among a particular batch of energy. like if a tall man comes back as a tree, he's more than likely going to be a redwood. etc. makes sense to me.! now hold on I'm going to try this again.. oooOOOOOOOMMMMMSSSMMMAAARRRTTTTTEEEERRRRROOOOOOOooooommmmm... Susy I know you love it. but I seriously think I may be closer to Krishna than I think, in my own beliefs. I keep stumbling upon little areas that make sense to me. seriously!
No, that doesn't make sense to me. Once in human form, you remain that way through future incarnations, that makes sense. Of course I love animals and they're sentient beings and wild and innocent at the same time, and many are so sweet, but humans are still classified in the teachings as higher beings than other mammals and cold blooded creatures, humans having much more consciousness and brain power-- sorry to phrase it so crassly. I do believe the so-called lower life forms partake of the essence, that divine spark of divinity, they're God deep down too and return to the Ultimate too upon the death transition. But they don't get to return as a human if they choose (or if whatever chooses for them) to be reincarnated. I wouldn't want to give up the ability to read and to think. That's why I wouldn't want to come back as a cat, for example, as much as I love cats. Dumb creatures (oops that doesnt sound nice, but they're called that) at least are unaware they will die at a some point. We've got that hanging over us, that sometimes grim, unsettling, frightening knowledge. To be well-adjusted, one doesn't dwell on that too much. Live while you can, as well as you can, and don't worry about what might come after because it's all in God's hands.
No, that doesn't make sense to me. Once in human form, you remain that way through future incarnations, that makes sense. Of course I love animals and they're sentient beings and wild and innocent at the same time, and many are so sweet, but humans are still classified in the teachings as higher beings than other mammals and cold blooded creatures, humans having much more consciousness and brain power-- sorry to phrase it so crassly. I do believe the so-called lower life forms partake of the essence, that divine spark of divinity, they're God deep down too and return to the Ultimate too upon the death transition. But they don't get to return as a human if they choose (or if whatever chooses for them) to be reincarnated. I wouldn't want to give up the ability to read and to think. That's why I wouldn't want to come back as a cat, for example, as much as I love cats. Dumb creatures (oops that doesnt sound nice, but they're called that) at least are unaware they will die at a some point. We've got that hanging over us, that sometimes grim, unsettling, frightening knowledge. To be well-adjusted, one doesn't dwell on that too much. Live while you can, as well as you can, and don't worry about what might come after because it's all in God's hands.
I guess I don?t see where we are all that more supreme of a species than cats. We?re higher on the food chain, but we all exist in the same little tiny to the point of being insignificant, bubble. And we truly don?t know how smart cats are, or what levels their intelligence is being used on. Or how their brains can process light and vision or quickness in ways that they do.. or what there is to know even. Our perception of intelligence is just one races outlook on the goings on in our universe. Whats important to humans may not be important in the grand scheme of the universe. our love of money for example, and the way its grown to motivate our race. in the grand scheme is that intelligence beneficial or self-destructive/unintelligent? Outside of percieved intelligence, the differences between living things in the grand scheme are mainly physical attributes it seems.. physical capabilities. in terms of brain size, which would limit some capacity (one would think). But just because human can talk and write and solve math problems and play instruments, and do the 'smart' things we can do, doesn?t mean those abilities are any greater or more divine than the ability of a fish to swim and communicate like it does, and live a life it lives. Perhaps fish can do math, they may be smart as hell! Anyway I still think it makes more sense that once energy is released it enters into a random drawing as to where it will be used next. Mine I guess is a more ?all things are one? methodology. there is the issue of 'does some sort of consciousness (as we humans know it) then follow the displaced energy where ever it goes?' unfortunately I'm guessing no. The intelligence factor, to your point Susy, also does make it interesting as humans. and the stuff we can get ourselves into and accomplish as opposed to other species. We've been to the moon ? and the fact that we feel certain ways about things. and the fact we are driven more to help eachother I think makes us different from many races of species. But then again other species help eachother even to the point of being symbiotic!.. and conversly and unlike many other species, humans have been known to kill humans. only Krishna himself may know for sure the way it works. him and Ra the Sun King. okay and Jesus. thats it though!
That's right, the other species all have their own forms of intelligence, in some ways superior to the capacities of humans in certain regards. They're all to be respected (even though I've never seen any of them reading a book!). They're killing and eating each other, a lot of them, but still are innocent. When humans murder each other it's not innocent because they usually know what they're doing. You're right, other species are superior to us, in some ways. Yet they're tagged as "low consciousness." A lot of religion is just folklore and myths which many people seem to really need. Also the desire to worship has been implanted in much of mankind, so there must be something real which really exists, to worship? Because that desire is nearly universal and very strong? Why that need to worship if there's nothing greater than ourselves to worship? The universe shows evidence of "intelligent design." This discussion is giving me a headache! (LOL)
. That's why I wouldn't want to come back as a cat, for example, as much as I love cats. Dumb creatures (oops that doesnt sound nice, but they're called that) at least are unaware they will die at a some point. We've got that hanging over us, that sometimes grim, unsettling, frightening knowledge. To be well-adjusted, one doesn't dwell on that too much. Live while you can, as well as you can, and don't worry about what might come after because it's all in God's hands.
FUnny, that same Krishna book I read talked about a concept called The Great Denial. It's how we all see humans around us aging and dying and how most of us live in denial that it's going to happen to us. I know not all of us deny it but it is pretty common. and Intelligent Design is just proof of the aliens that made us.
Oh lord Krishna I'm sorry I've dissed ya you know that I'm witchya it sucks my dog bitchya the older I get the closer to Krishna I become. literally. because I figure he/she's in the sky probably, and I'm growing taller no but seriously folks! I am quite Bhuddist. I actually do love Bhuddism. almost as much as I love making fun of religions.
I thought about dying with Krishna on my conscience just to be with George, but there are drawbacks to that: 1. There are two Krishna heavens. One is for those that died in good graces, one if for those that died with Krishna on their conscience but were not devotes. George ended up in the former. I'd be in the later. I don't know if I ever would become a full devote (but I'm not ruling it out) 2. Do I want to spend eternity there? I don't want the Christian Heaven or that viking heaven either.
Kathryn O:
I thought about dying with Krishna on my conscience just to be with George, but there are drawbacks to that: 1. There are two Krishna heavens. One is for those that died in good graces, one if for those that died with Krishna on their conscience but were not devotes. George ended up in the former. I'd be in the later. I don't know if I ever would become a full devote (but I'm not ruling it out) 2. Do I want to spend eternity there? I don't want the Christian Heaven or that viking heaven either.
Interesting KO, didn;t know that distinction. I like some of the Bhuddist proverbs I hear. I seriously think I am closest to being a Bhuddist in terms of religion. I try to respect the world and respect others, and the universe in general. but I do it in my own way, on my own time. I like the idea and oft discussed benefits of meditation, and have (sort of half assedly) tried it, but I cannot reach that so called transcendental state they talk about. I just can't seem to do it. I think that sort of eliminates me from being a true Bhuddist, doesn't it? Wish I could. I always used to just smoke weed to achieve the same effect. cause I swear, some of my best decisions ever, were made after I had a chance to fully decompress and sit back and view any given situation from a sort of outsider perspective. Thats what pot always gave me, that fresh view, and a calmness, to see things clearly and unemotionally. seems weird but thats how it worked for me. I speak in the past tense about weed cause I've more or less given it up. I;ve smoked about twice, maybe 3 times in the last 6 months. for me that ludacris. I smoked everyday from age 16-33, I shit you not. my doctor said he was fairly certain that my brain had stopped producing seratonin all together not funny though in actuality. I had to take somethng to compensate that for a while.. anyway! wish I could meditate and get the same benefits I got from the herbal suppliment. I'll keep trying I asked my wife at one point if she would agree to become a Rastafarian with me, but I got some push back... I told her you can;t persecute me for my religious beliefs! but my common sense tells me lung cancer aint the way I want to go either.. OOOOOoooooooommmmmmm...
Witchcraft always was and always will be the way for me. For many Westerners, it helps them achieve meditative states faster but it guards it's own. You have to be drawn to it and work with it and respect it or it will bite back. I've seen it do it to others though for me, it always enhanced my life. Buddism has some useful aspects and the ceremonies I've been to are beautiful when they're put on by Asians. Western men into Buddhism have this detachment that looks like a hold-over from a 1980s mentality that they consider enlightened but it has its drawbacks.
my cover of 'my sweet Lord'..
my cover of 'my sweet Lord'..
Nice, you sound a lot like George thoughout most of that, uncanny! all praise be to Krishna on that I am actually a budhist myself. and yes I do own the Apple LP of Rada Krsna Temple. \ people say I'm 'pretty far down the path' to enlightenment.