@bruce-m said in “RAM”, Paul’s misunderstood masterpiece.:

@oobu24 said in “RAM”, Paul’s misunderstood masterpiece.:

@bruce-m said in “RAM”, Paul’s misunderstood masterpiece.:

@mccall said in “RAM”, Paul’s misunderstood masterpiece.:

I agree with the OP that Ram is a masterpiece album for Paul, probably tied for his best solo album and as good as any Beatles solo album. I wasn’t around at the time, but it’s mind boggling to me that critics bashed it.
I don’t really like Back Seat of My Car, but love every other song on it.

Nothing personal, but it's mind-boggling to me that people actually like this album. I've been a huge Paul fan since age 11 (I'm 68), but Long Haired Lady, Monkberry Moon Delight, Smile Away and Back Seat of My Car are just torture. I'm pretty sure that, given a choice between listening to them and having my fingernails ripped out with pliers, I'd go for the pliers.

They're just fun songs to sing along with.

I stand by my comment about the pliers.
