eventually got a silver package still cheaper than some of my LFC tickets were last season, now i can renew my passport and book some holidays or other gigs. been holding off all year as i didnt want to be abroad when he is playing.
Liverpool fc,history,roses.
Latest posts made by peter
RE: UK dates confirmed Manchester - London 2024.
RE: UK dates confirmed Manchester - London 2024.
@adr0ck sorry to hear that lad i would be doing me nut in
RE: UK dates confirmed Manchester - London 2024.
Hold on it said 311 minutes now it is 36 forgotten how stressful this is
RE: UK dates confirmed Manchester - London 2024.
@thenightfish £30- £180 then add ons
i paid £160 then added some bar thing just to get into the venue easier then insurance lol
RE: UK dates confirmed Manchester - London 2024.
GOT A ticket for sunday at the side i think still no movement from event i want a package for the saturday
RE: UK dates confirmed Manchester - London 2024.
@peter correction event travel now have packages up for manchester only did sound check once not sure i understand the others lol
RE: UK dates confirmed Manchester - London 2024.
After moving back near to Liverpool after 40 year bit disappointed, he aint doing the ms arena. But there are no packages for the manchester gigs lol one time i have money. I missed out in 2019 due to trying to get Accessibility ticket, it was lucky in the end as blessed mum passed away just over a month before the gig and she bought me "She Loves You" way back in 63, not saying how old i was but there is certain song i dont want to hear this july . Got a cancellation hotel for tongihts yesterday afternoon so might still go if not lucky, if peeps are there i aint seen in years; plus manchester must have a decent museum or two! The london gigs do have packages as of this evening not on sale yet so might well do that. I have never agreed totally with MAN on certain subjects but i am glad i picked a decent man as my hero loving someone's art isn't enough for me. Good luck to everyone in the pre sale.
"Here Comes the Sun" book by joshua m, greene
Just bought this book iin waterstones in liverpool this weekend and wondered if anyone had read it. was there in june and they had i me mine but didnt buy it I know who bought the last one. and just discovered i have bought mussolina war twice!! great history section there.
RE: Paul is the only one who can stop this ticket rip-off
Eeee Cor Blimey wrote:
Hi Peter, it's been an appalling way of doing the sales this time i agree. I really hope you manage to get something normal price and near the aisle for you
Wont be the same at a Paul show without seeing you!! Been a terrible year, my mother in law died in April, and our 21 month old son has leg problems amongst others and had to have a brain MRI in May to rule out a birth injury - only found out recently that result was normal which is great!!!! But everything is still hard, and the London show is my birthday so my sister forked out for the package as a pick me up. If we knew we could've got normal tickets we would have done with that, as the debt is terrible.. as it is for most people
Sorry for waffling on! Hope you are doing ok considering - take care.
Hi lass, so you are a MILHug, congratualtions, You got to love your sister. I took mine to see the Osmonds many years ago and she has never even taken me to the chippy. Will reply more in a pm when i find it again somewhere on word though i had saved it.